Have all the rights in the account eg add categories, add users
Approve bulk payouts & Bills
Manage the business wallet (these are the only users who can deduct from it)
Can allocate directly from the business wallet to the employees in the account
Has the same access to the dashboard as the approver e.g. add categories, add users, access to statements, review expenses
Can only initiate bulk payouts & bills (cannot approve)
Cannot manage the business wallet
In charge of a team/project e.g. sales manager
Has access to the dashboard but can only see details of members of their team
Can only allocate to the members of their team if the reviewer has a wallet balance
Can add employees to her team
Can review the expenses of the team members
Can approve payment requests of her team members (this is set from the back end upon request)
Card only users:
Only have access to your Boya account via the Boya app (ios & android)
Only spend within their allocated amounts
Can request for payment approvals with a zero balance.
Only has viewer rights
Super Admin
This is set from the back end upon request
They manage all user rights in the account
Cannot approve payments